
Monday, March 3, 2014

Update on what I've sold and on my LIFE!

As I sit in a hotel room in Providence, Rhode Island, alone with my thoughts and away from my home that I once shared with my husband, it’s time to announce and just come out with it…I’m getting divorced.  I’m sure some of my Facebook followers must know something is up since I recently dropped Becker from my name.  I am not checking in on Foursquare at Spain Rincon and captioning “date night.”  I am not counting down the days till my next Aruba vacation.  And finally just that Eric is no longer a Facebook friend of mine.  It’s very hard to sit here and write about getting divorced but I feel I owe it to myself to let it be known and not beat around the bush anymore.  There was no big event, no infidelity, no hatred in our demise…we just realized that we were not meant for one another.  I was no longer happy in my marriage and am too young to settle for unhappiness.  We both want what’s best for one another and want to see each other happy so we’re moving on...maybe one quicker than the other but that's a whole other story!  We are going to share Niko as best we can since he is my life and I could never give up on him!  Eric has moved out and now I get to redecorate!  I am left with countless holes in my walls as I take down the antique gun that sat over the fireplace, the photo of Eric’s Grandfather and his ship in World War 2 and photos of my dream wedding unfortunately that did not happen with my forever man.  I am removing memories of him, our failed relationship, my past…leaving behind visible scars that will need to be patched, sanded and painted over.  I am looking forward to covering this up with new memories and have such hope for finding my true best friend to share my life with.  So although there are many holes left behind to fill, I couldn’t be more excited to see what life has in store for me!  If you remember back to my first blog post this year…I said this blog was going to have some twists and turns...I even hinted about some lives starting over.  Well...I was talking about my own.  So here is the first curve ball!  I am going to get back to blogging and start focusing on myself so stay tuned for more :)  I also wanted to take the time now to thank my amazing family and friends for their support throughout the past couple months!  I definitely wouldn’t be able to go through this without them and am so fortunate to have such amazing people in my life!

Whew…cue the huge sigh of relief!

Now on to what this blog is really about!  What I’ve sold so far!
I’ve sold the Jessica Simpson's
One of these Juicy sets
And one other pair of Uggs I never blogged about!

For a grand total of $350. Not bad for 2 months!  Most of these items were shoes/Uggs…so the clothing isn't moving like I’d want it to even though I’ve lowered the price many times.  So maybe my items are better suited to be donated!  I’m sure they would sell at a Salvation Army.

I know this blog has inspired people to either stop/reduce shopping and wear what they have in their closet (my 2013 resolution) and even start to purge their own closets (my 2014 resolution)!  I hope by writing this post and I can inspire those who aren't happy whether it be in their marriage, with their careers or even in a friendship to do something about it!  As hard as it was and as much as it hurt I did what was best for me and my life.  Life is too short to be unhappy so do something about it! 
When I look in the mirror I see strength, learned lessons and pride in myself.  Now I just want to be able to look into that same mirror with my best friend and man of my dreams by my side <3

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  1. Love the wingdings! i am taking that as a shout out to me! Glad you are happy!!!!!

  2. Yes that shout out was for you!
